Effects of Heat Shock in hsp70:HA-her1 Transgenics (A and B) Embryos fixed immediately after a 40-min heat shock at 37 °C, and stained by ISH for deltaC or her7; the hsp70:HA-her1 transgenics are on the left, wild-type sibling controls on the right. The stripy expression of deltaC and her7 in the PSM is reduced, but not eliminated, by the forced expression of Her1, suggesting that oscillation continues. (C) Heat shock of hsp70:HA-her1 embryos prolonged for 60 min reduces her7 expression to undetectable levels. (D) Heat shock of hsp70:HA-her1 embryos for 60 min followed by 30 min recovery reveals a loss of endogenous her1 expression, implying that her1, like her7, is autoinhibitory. (A) and (B) are flat mounts; (C) and (D) are whole mounts.