Fig. 2
Phenotypic analysis of zebrafish carrying the Jak3 A573V encoding allele. Embryos homozygous for Jak3 wildtype (jak3+/+) or Jak3 A573V (jak3ca/ca) or those heterozygous for Jak3 A573V (jak3+/ca) were subjected to WISH with ikzf1 at 3.5 dpf (A–C) and 5 dpf (E–G), rag1 (I–K), lck (M–O), tcra (Q–S), lyz (U–W) and mpo (Y–A′) at 5 dpf, as well as O-dianisidine staining (C′–E′) (6.3/3.2 × magnification, scale bar = 200 μm) or their blood analyzed with Giemsa staining at 5 dpf (F′–H′; e, erythrocyte, l, lymphocyte) (100 × magnification, scale bar = 10 μm). Individual embryos were assessed for relative area of staining with ikzf1 (D, H), rag1 (L), lck (P) and tcrα (T), for individual embryos or total number of lyz+ +(X) and mpo+ (B′) cells, or blood differential counts (I′) with the mean and SEM shown in red and level of statistical significance indicated (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns: not significant) (n = 30 for WISH analysis and n = 5 for blood counts)