Fig. 5
Fig. 5
A Experimental design. The 3 dpf WT and ripk3-deficient larvae were injected with LPS, and collected at 5 hpi for the detection of cytokines. The neutrophil accumulation was evaluated by SB staining at 2, 5, and 8 hpi. B Fewer neutrophils migrated to the injection sites. At 2, 5, and 8 hpi, fewer neutrophils (red arrows pointed) could be found in the yolk sac of the ripk3-deficient larvae. C Quantification of (B) (n ≥ 6, one-way ANOVA). D Quantification of (B), showing the trends of the accumulated neutrophils. E The expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (il1b, il6, and cxcl8a) at 5 hpi (n ≥ 10, one-way ANOVA). F The expression levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines (il4, il10, and il13) at 5 hpi (n ≥ 10, one-way ANOVA).