Fig. 8
nr2f1a modulates the expression of vascular markers.
(A-H) Compared to wild type controls (A, C, E, G), expression of the venous markers mrc1 (D) and flt4 (F) were reduced in the trunk of nr2f1a morphants at 24 hpf. In addition, expression of the arterial marker ephrinb2 (H) and pan-vascular marker stabilin decreased (B). (I) Quantification of the relative expression level by qPCR assay showed a ~25% to 50% reduced expression in vascular markers flt4 (0.66±0.14), EphB4 (0.46±0.08), gridlock (0.73±0.06) and ephrinb2 (0.59±0.05) in nr2f1a morphants. *** refers to p<0.0001, ** refers to p<0.001 and * refers to p<0.05 by an unpaired student’s t-test. Data are represented as means ± SEM. Scale bars represent 100 µm in A-H.