Fig. 10 Regeneration-dependent induction of KLF6a and 7a is necessary for tuba1a and p27 gene induction following optic nerve injury. The optic nerve of adult tuba1a:GFP transgenic fish was lesioned and KLF6a/ KLF7a targeting MO or a control MO was applied to the optic nerve stump as described in Experimental methods. 3 days later retinas were harvested and RNA purified for use in RT-PCR reactions. Shown is an ethidium bromide stained gel showing induction of GFP, tuba1a, p27 and c-jun following optic nerve injury. GAPDH is used as a loading control. Note that KLF6a and 7a knockdown (KLF6/7 MO) caused a significant reduction in GFP, tuba1a and p27 gene induction following optic nerve injury.
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 43(4), Veldman, M.B., Bemben, M.A., and Goldman, D., Tuba1a gene expression is regulated by KLF6/7 and is necessary for CNS development and regeneration in zebrafish, 370-383, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.