Fig. 7 Zash-1a and Zash-1b expression in cyclops embryos. Zash-1a (A-D) or Zash-1b (E-H) antisense probes were hybridized to 14-hr (A, E), 18-hr (B, F), 24-hr (C, G), and 30-hr (D, H) embryos. In the 14- and 18-hr embryo panes, cyclops (on lef) and wild-type embryos (on right) are compared after removal of yolk. The 24- and 30-hr panes show only cyclops embryos (which can be compared to similarly hybridized wild-type embryos in Figs. 3 and 5). Symbols are exactly those used in Figs. 3 and 5, but in this case may point to expression sites which are absent in cyclops embryos. Scale bar in A, 100 μm (all panels at same magnification).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 166, Allende, M.L. and Weinberg, E.S., The expression pattern of two zebrafish achaete-scute homolog (ash) genes is altered in the embryonic brain of the cyclops mutant, 509-530, Copyright (1994) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.