Fig. 6
Fig. 6 Intermediate and ventral pharyngeal arch domains are misspecified in plcβ3 mutants. Lateral views of in situ hybridizations in wild-type and plcβ3 homozygotes. (A, G) At 48 hpf, bapx1 expression in a first arch intermediate domain is strongly reduced in plcβ3 homozygotes. (B, H) At 55 hpf, hand2 expression is at near wild-type levels in plcβ3 homozygotes. (C, I) At 48 hpf, gsc is ectopically expressed in first and second arch intermediate domains and strongly reduced in a second arch ventral domain in plcβ3 homozygotes. (D, J) At 48 hpf, barx1 expression in the first and second arches is ectopically expressed in intermediate domains and strongly reduced in ventral domains in plcβ3 homozygotes. (E, K) At 55 hpf, runx2b is ectopically expressed in a second arch intermediate domain and strongly reduced in a second arch ventral domain in plcβ3 homozygotes. (F, L) At 48 hpf, sox9a expression is strongly reduced in ventral domains of the first and second arches in plcβ3 homozygotes. Arrowheads indicate first arch intermediate domain in wild-type embryos. Arrows indicate second arch intermediate domains in wild-type embryos. Asterisks indicate ectopic expression in intermediate arch domains in plcβ3 homozygotes. a1 and a2 label pharyngeal arch 1 and 2. Scale bar: 50 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 304(1), Walker, M.B., Miller, C.T., Swartz, M.E., Eberhart, J.K., and Kimmel, C.B., phospholipase C, beta 3 is required for Endothelin1 regulation of pharyngeal arch patterning in zebrafish, 194-207, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.