Fig. 11
drish−/− mutant adults exhibit impaired locomotor activity and poor feeding. (A) Representative swimming traces of individual drish+/+ and drish−/− zebrafish adults. (B) Total distance moved by drish+/+ and drish−/− adult zebrafish. drish−/− adults moved significantly less than drish+/+ adults (n = 6 per group; Student's t-test, p < 0.0001). (C) Feeding rate between drish+/+ and drish−/− adult zebrafish was compared. Drish−/− adults showed decreased feeding rate compared to drish+/+ adults (n = 6, Student's t-test, p < 0.001). (D) Average number of strikes per consumption of each D. magna. Note that drish+/+ fish were able to consume a D. magna in an average of 3 strikes, whereas drish−/− fish took an average of 5 strikes to successfully consume a D. magna (n = 6, Student's t-test, p-value <0.001). |