Fig. 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-240603-88
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- Miyazaki et al., 2024 - DHCR7 links cholesterol synthesis with neuronal development and axonal integrity
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Decreased neurons and neural stem cells in dhcr7−/− zebrafish (A) Representative images of 1-mpf dhcr7+/+ (n = 6) and dhcr7−/− (n = 5) zebrafish brains in the Tg[huc:Kaede] background. (B) Images of 1-mpf dhcr7+/+ (n = 11) and dhcr7−/− (n = 9) zebrafish brain in the Tg[gfap:Tomato] background. (C) Images of transverse sections of 2-mpf dhcr7+/+ and dhcr7−/− zebrafish brains in the Tg[gfap:Tomato] background (red), stained with DAPI (blue). All values are presented as the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) |
Genes: | |
Fish: | |
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Stage Range: | Days 30-44 to Days 45-89 |
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Stage Range: | Days 30-44 to Days 45-89 |