Fig. 8
Semi-quantitative analysis of emx3 expression in foxg1a mutants. The emx3 expression pattern in the telencephalon was quantified by ImageJ. After selecting stained regions based on a brightness threshold (a–a‴, yellow line), the areas, staining intensities, major axes, and minor axes were quantified for respective genotypes. (a–a‴) Wild type (+/+), a heterozygous mutant (+/−), and a homozygous mutant (−/−) are shown in this order from left to right. At the bottom right are shown the numbers of embryos with the indicated patterns and those of embryos with the indicated genotypes. The embryos in (a) and (a”) correspond to those in Figure 5c, c′. Lateral views of the head with anterior to the top. Scale bar, 100 μm. (b) Quantification of the emx3 expression patterns. Average values for each genotype are shown relative to the average for wild-type embryos, with error bars showing SEMs. *p < .05. |