Analysis of CLO rescuing effects under polg2 KO. A mtDNA content in treated (+) and non-treated (-) polg2+/+, polg2+/ia304 and polg2ia304/ia304 individuals, exposed to 3 μM CLO from 2 dpf to 6 dpf; Data are shown as mean ± SEM, each dot corresponds to a 10-fish pool. Statistics were assessed using ordinary one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.005; ****p < 0.0001; polg2+/+ (n = 6 ×10-larva pools), polg2+/+ + CLO (n = 5 x 10-larva pools), polg2+/ia304 (n = 10 x 10-larva pools), polg2+/ia304 + CLO (n = 10 x 10-larva pools), polg2ia304/ia304 (n = 7 x 10-larva pools), polg2ia304/ia304 + CLO (n = 6 ×10-larva pools), from 3 independent biological replicates. B Effect of light stimuli on locomotion in treated (+) and non-treated (-) polg2+/+, polg2+/ia304 and polg2ia304/ia304 individuals, exposed to 2 μM CLO from 10 dpf to 15 dpf. White fields indicate light exposition time, while grey fields represent dark periods. Two-way ANOVA followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test was applied for statistical significance; polg2+/+ (n = 34), polg2+/+ + CLO (n = 32), polg2+/ia304 (n = 70), polg2+/ia304 + CLO (n = 50), polg2ia304/ia304 (n = 35), polg2ia304/ia304 + CLO (n = 26). C Maximum response to light stimuli, expressed in mm (distance swum) among the three genotypes (polg2+/+, polg2+/ia304 and polg2ia304/ia304) in treated (+) and non-treated (-) fish. Values are reported as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was done by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test; **p < 0.005; *p < 0.05; polg2+/+ (n = 34), polg2+/+ + CLO (n = 32), polg2+/ia304 (n = 70), polg2+/ia304 + CLO (n = 50), polg2ia304/ia304 (n = 35), polg2ia304/ia304 + CLO (n = 26), from 3 independent replicates and in triplicate.