Early misexpression of Zbtb16 downregulates fgf3 in rhombomere 4. (A-C) Wholemount fluorescence micrographs of the tailbud of a wild-type embryo injected in one half with mRNA encoding myc-Zbtb16a and stained with anti-Zbtb16 and anti-Myc antibodies. No endogenous Zbtb16 staining is detected at this axial level at 13-14 hpf. (D-F) ISH for fgf3 followed by anti-Myc immunofluorescent staining in wild-type embryos (n=198) injected in one half with mRNA encoding myc-Zbtb16a. (G-I) ISH for fgf3 in wild-type embryos (n=126) injected in one half with mRNA encoding Citrine, showing Citrine fluorescence. Three independent experiments. MHB, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; r, rhombomere. Numbers (D,G; bottom left) indicate numbers of embryos that show dissimilar (D) or similar (G) levels of fgf3 expression in the left and right halves of r4. Scale bars: 50 µm.