Figure 8
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-221214-53
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- Chrispell et al., 2022 - Grk7 but not Grk1 undergoes cAMP-dependent phosphorylation in zebrafish cone photoreceptors and mediates cone photoresponse recovery to elevated cAMP
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Dark-adapted Grk phosphorylation in 5 dpf transgenic Tg(gnat2:prkar1aG323D) zebrafish larvae expressing PKA dominant negative RI⍺B in cones. Larvae were (A) dark adapted for 15 min or (B) light adapted, followed by incubation with forskolin or vehicle (DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide) for 30 min, then euthanized and intact eyes were harvested for immunoblot analysis. Immunoblots were probed with antibodies against total Grk1 (green) and phosphorylated Grk7 (red), followed by incubation with secondary antibodies. The levels of detectable phosphorylated Grk7 were normalized against total Grk1 and quantified. Statistical comparison of multiple groups was performed using a Student's t test. Error bars represent SEM (n = 3). p ≤ 0.05 (∗). |