(A,B) Expression of zebrafish serpine3 mRNA in relation to the normalization genes actb (A) and rpl13a (B) measured with RT-qPCR. Expression levels are consistently the highest in eye. A two-sided unequal variances t-test was used. Boxplots display first quartile, median and third quartile with whiskers extending to the maximum and minimum value. Measurements of technical replicates (n=3–6) are encoded in the same color, different colors represent different biological replicates (n=3–8). Relative rates are displayed as zero, if expression was below the detection limit. (C) Serpine3 mRNA expression in different tissues of the zebrafish eye in relation to the reference gene actb measured with RT-qPCR for three biological replicates. Serpine3 is specifically expressed in the retina but not in other tissues of the eye. The expression level is significantly higher in retina without RPE compared to RPE only (two-sided unequal variances t-test). Although expression in RPE only is low, it is significantly higher than expression in eye tissue after removing retina and RPE (two-sided unequal variances t-test). (D) Serpine3 mRNA expression in mouse in relation to the reference gene Rpl27 measured with RT-qPCR for three biological replicates. Serpine3 is specifically expressed in the eye but not in colon, cortex, heart, liver, spleen and testis. (E–H) Serpine3 mRNA expression pattern in zebrafish retina. (E–F) Chromogenic in situ hybridization (ISH) shows localized expression of serpine3 (purple) in the retina, specifically in the inner nuclear layer (inlet). (G–H) Fluorescence in situ hybridization shows that serpine3 mRNA expression (yellow) is localized to cell bodies of Müller glia cells. Filaments of Müller glia cells are marked by the glial fibrillary acidic protein (ZRF1 antibody, green). Specificity of the serpine3 ISH probe is shown by absence of the signal in homozygous serpine3cbg17 knockout fish (Figure 3—figure supplement 1). Serpine3 mRNA is not expressed in bipolar or amacrine cells (Figure 3—figure supplement 2). Nuclei are stained with DAPI (white). Scale bar is 200 µm in (E) and (G) and 20 µm in (F) and (H). INL – inner nuclear layer, ONL – outer nuclear layer, GCL – ganglion cell layer.