Fig. 6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-220520-43
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- Whyte-Fagundes et al., 2022 - Panx1 channels promote both anti- and pro-seizure-like activities in the zebrafish via p2rx7 receptors and ATP signaling
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a Gene ontology enrichment of biological processes for differentially regulated genes from RNA-seq data of DKO, panx1a−/−, and panx1b−/− found using the FishEnrichR database. Biological processes were grouped into five categories; transport (GO:0006810), signal transduction (GO:0007165), metabolism (GO:0008152), cellular respiration (GO:0045333), and cell death (GO:0008219). Data is presented as -log P value based on Fisher’s exact test. The dot size represents the combined score for genes associated with that pathway. Dotted gray lines indicate P = 0.05. b Candidate genes were selected, and RNA-seq data was mined for differential regulation in panx1 fish lines. Clustergrams compare panx1 knockout larvae for correlation amongst chosen genes for (1) transport, (2) extracellular ATP (release & degradation), (3) metabolism (respirasome & oxidative phosphorylation) and (4) solute carriers. The scale bar shows standardized correlation values (SCV) calculated by the Matlab Clustergram function. Range: red is positive, and blue is negative. Hierarchical cluster branches are shown above each clustergram and labeled below. c Expression (logpadj) of genes part of the ATP release (top) and solute carrier (bottom) clustergrams for panx1a−/− (blue) and panx1b−/− (top). Filled bars indicate upregulated genes; empty bars are downregulated. P = 0.05 indicated with dotted line. |