In situ hybridization detected bmp2b and bmp4 the dorsal region in Hmx1mut10 embryos: In situ hybridization in wildtype and hmx1mut10 embryos at 2 dpf. Staining for bmp2b, bmp4, and runx2b. No signal was detected for bmp2b and bmp4 in the dorsal region of wildtype zebrafish, while bmp4 was detected in the heart region ((A,C) red arrows). In hmx1mut10, bmp2b and bmp4 are expressed in the dorsal region (B,D). Runx2b in wildtype embryos at 2 dpf is expressed in the bone-forming regions (E). In hmx1mut10 embryos, runx2b is expressed in the dorsal region, and presents a similar pattern to bmp2b and bmp4 (F). Cl, cleithrum; ch, ceratohyal; cb, ceratobranchial; h, heart; op, opercle. Bar, A–F 100 μm.