Fig. 7

Jin et al., 2021 - An animal model for mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase deficiency reveals links between oxidative phosphorylation and retinal function
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Fig. 7

Deletion of yars2 caused the eye defects in zebrafish. A, the lateral views of yars2−/−, yars2+/−, and yars2+/+ zebrafish at 5 dpf, and the eye morphologies of zebrafish were illustrated under a Leica microscope with an objective magnification of 20×. Asterisk indicated the eye pigments. B, the dorsal views of the yars2+/+, yars2+/−, and yars2−/− zebrafish at 5 dpf. C–E, quantification of the area and length of eyes as well as area of lens of yars2+/+ (n = 10), yars2+/− (n = 12), and yars2−/− (n = 14) zebrafish, as detailed elsewhere (47). The values for the mutants were expressed as percentages of the average values for the wild type. Graph details and symbols are explained in the legend to Figure 2.

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