a Sox10:Cre; actab2:loxP-BFP-STOP-loxP-dsRed labeling of CNCCs (red) in zebrafish heads across 7 stages. b Scheme of cell or nuclei dissociation, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and processing on the 10X Genomics platform for sequencing. c, d UMAPs of scRNAseq and SnapATAC datasets at adult stages. e Diagram of an adult zebrafish head cut out to show major cell types of the interior skeletal elements and gill system. f Pathway for Phe and Tyr breakdown. 7 of 8 genes encoding catabolic enzymes are in the top 20 selectively enriched genes for the dermal fibroblast cluster (numbers show rank). g Section colorimetric in situ hybridization for hpdb RNA shows expression in the dermis between the skin and palatoquadrate (PQ) endochondral bone. h Section RNAscope in situ hybridizations show pah expression in dermal fibroblasts between the runx2b+ periosteum of PQ and skin at 14 dpf, and between sp7+ osteoblasts of intramembranous bone and skin at 280 dpf. DAPI labels nuclei in blue. Scale bars, 100 μm (a), 20 μm (g, h).