Metabolomics characterization of folinic acid-treated zebrafish larvae following β-cell ablation.a, b Heat-maps showing the significantly decreased (a) and increased (b) metabolites upon folinic acid treatment for 24 h, following β-cell ablation in the Tg(ins:flag-NTR) line. c–e Changes in the level of folinic acid (c), folate (d), and 5-methylTHF (e) reported as fold change to the untreated zebrafish larvae after β-cell ablation following 24 h of folinic acid treatment. n = 6 (control) and n = 5 (folinic acid) biologically independent metabolite preparations from five pooled larvae each were used for the quantification of this experiment. Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. Mann–Whitney two-tailed test was used to assess statistical significance. c **P = 0.0043. f–h Folinic acid treatment does not affect the levels of SAM (f), SAH (g), or their ratio (h). n = 6 (control) and n = 5 (folinic acid) biologically independent metabolite preparations from five pooled larvae each were used for the quantification of this experiment. Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. i Pathway impact values of zebrafish-specific enriched pathways for the significantly affected metabolites (Fig. 6a, b).