Electrographic seizure activity in epileptic zebrafish mutant lines.a Schematic of recording configuration and protocol for electrophysiology-based screening of larval zebrafish. b Representative raw LFP-recording traces along with a corresponding wavelet time-frequency spectrogram and LFP scoring distribution plot for WT and mutant larvae are shown for each EZP epilepsy line. Type 0, I, and II scoring as in Fig. 2. A representative WT LFP recording with the corresponding wavelet time-frequency spectrogram is shown in Supplementary Figure 5. Scale bar = 500 µV. Representative LFP recordings and distribution plots for all 37 lines can be found online (https://zebrafishproject.ucsf.edu). c Cumulative plots of interictal event frequency and duration for all EZP epilepsy lines compared with WT sibling controls. Each point represents mean of all interictal events in a single 15 min larval LFP recording detected using custom software in MATLAB (N = 9775, WT; N = 6750, scn1lab; N = 2550, arxa; N = 5790, strada; N = 6750, stxbp1b; N = 3538, pnpo; N = 3455, gabrb3; N = 4335, eef1a2; N = 6610, grin1b*). d Cumulative plots of ictal event frequency and duration. Each point represents all ictal events in a single 15 min larval LFP recording (N = 56, WT; N = 62, scn1lab; N = 26, arxa; N = 26, strada; N = 48, stxbp1b; N = 22, pnpo; N = 59, gabrb3; N = 27, eef1a2; N = 55, grin1b*). *for grin1b designates heterozygote. **p < 0.01, ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. Data displayed as mean ± SEM.