The spatial and temporal expression patterns of lpin1 during zebrafish early development. The expression of lpin1 mRNA was ubiquitous during cleavage and gastrula stages (A-C), restricted to paraxial mesoderm at the bud stage (D), and abundant at somites from the 8-somite stage onwards (E-H'). The dynamic lpin1 mRNA expression was detected in the retina (red arrows in F and F'), pectoral fins (pf, black arrows in G and G') and the cephalic musculature (cm, green arrows in G and G'). (I-J') IHC staining showed the Lpin1 protein expression in myotomes and the retina (yellow arrows), acetylated α-tubulin was stained in green color. (F-J) Lateral views of embryos, (F'- J') Dorsal views of embryos. Scale bar: 100 µm.