Figure 7

Notch inhibition in adults leads to loss of GFP expression from the <italic>Tg(her4.3:EGFP)</italic> transgene.

(A) After 7 days of DMSO treatment, the Tg(her4.3:EGFP) transgene (green) is clearly visible within the adult ENS, along with HuC/D+ neurons (red) (see also high magnification insets). (B) After 7 days of treatment with the γ-secretase inhibitor LY411575 led to a specific reduction of Tg(her4.3:EGFP) expression was observed (see also high magnification insets). Images are max projections of short confocal stacks. Left insets in the B merge panel show a single z plane of the image in B and demonstrate that GFP staining highlights multiple interconnected GFP+ cells, with several distinct Dapi+GFP+ nuclei shown (arrows). n = 4 biological replicate per condition. Scale bars in merge panels: 50 µm.

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