Increase in the number of cells co-expressing ghrl and mlnl in the pax6b−/− PECs and EECs. FISH using ghrelin (ghrl, labelled in red) and motilin-like (mlnl, labelled in green) probes on 2.5 dpf (A, B, E, F and I) and 4.5 dpf (C, D, G, H, J) zebrafish larvae. Confocal views of the pancreatic islet (A, B, E, F) and of the gut (C, D, G, H). I, J Overlays of ghrl (I′ and J′) and mlnl (I″ and J″) stainings demonstrating co-labelling with the two probes. A, E, I, I′, and I″ are views of the pancreatic islet from a wild-type larva while B and F are the pancreatic islet from pax6b−/−. C, G Views of the intestines from wild-type larvae; D, H, J, J′, J″ Views of the gut from a pax6b−/− larvae. Scale bars: 20 microns for A-F and I panels, 50 microns for G, H and J panels