Ihh signaling within endochondral growth plates is present despite loss of Msmo1 and Lss activity. (A-L) Expression domains of ihha (A,D,G,J), ihhb (B,E,H,K) and ptch1 (C,F,I,L) were analyzed within growth plates of wild type (A-C), kolnu7 (D-F), Tg(fabp10a:msmo1:pA)nu100;msmo1nu81 (G-I) and Tg(fabp10:lss:pA)nu101;lssnu60 (J-L) using RNAscope in situ hybridization. (A-C) In wild type, expression of ihha and ihhb is observed in the pre-hypertrophic chondrocyte zone, with ptch1 expression seen to either side of these domains. (D-L) Expression of ihha, ihhb and ptch1 is present within mutant growth plates and similar to domains observed in wild type. Images represent paraffin sections of the pterotic at 2 months of age (∼15 mm SL). Scale bars: 100 μm. Tg*, Tg(fabp10:msmo1:pA)nu100; Tg**, Tg(fabp10:lss:pA)nu101. wt n=3, kolnu7 n=3, kolnu7/+:msmolnu81/+ n=3, Tg(fabp10a:msmo1:pA)nu100;msmo1nu81 n=3, Tg(fabp10:lss:pA)nu101;lssnu60 n=3.