Time-lapse imaging of cell migration in etv2ci32Gt embryos starting at the 9–10-somite stage.Lateral view is shown, anterior is to the left. a–f In etv2ci32Gt+/−; UAS:GFP embryos, bilaterally located vascular and hematopoietic progenitors within the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM, arrowheads) migrate toward the midline and coalesce into the axial vasculature (arrows). Note that some cells remain in the lateral position and elongate into muscle cells (myoc). DA progenitors of the dorsal aorta, ISV intersegmental vessels. Time frames are selected from the Supplementary Movie 1. g–l In etv2ci32Gt−/−; UAS:GFP embryos, cells initiate migration (blue arrows) but fail to coalesce into the axial vasculature. Instead, many cells either undergo apoptosis (apo, red arrowheads point to round apoptotic cells) or differentiate into myocytes (white arrows, myoc). Time frames are selected from the Supplementary Movie 3. m Higher magnification view showing differentiation of a GFP+ progenitor cell initially positioned in the LPM into a myocyte (arrowhead points to the same cell). Note that the cell migrates dorsally from the LPM into the somite and then elongates as it undergoes differentiate into the muscle. Time frames are selected from the Supplementary Movie 4. Representative embryos are shown out of the total of seven heterozygous and four homozygous etv2ci32Gt; UAS:GFP embryos that were imaged in two replicate experiments.