The phenotype of dstyk mutants in the notochord.a Bright-field images showing the WT and dstyk mutant at 5 dpf. Red arrow indicates the small granular structure accumulated in the notochord. b Live confocal images showing the notochord development of WT and dstyk mutant in Tg(β-actin:ras-GFP) transgenic background from 26 hpf to 4 dpf. All cell membranes were labeled by EGFP. c Quantification of relative area of single notochord cell for WT and dstyk mutant at 2 dpf and 4 dpf. n = 10 independent embryos for WT and dstyk mutant, 10 notochord cells were counted for each embryo. d Quantification of width of the notochord for WT and dstyk mutant from 26 hpf to 4 dpf. n = 12 independent embryos for WT and dstyk mutant. ***p < 0.001. p values were determined by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. e Live confocal time-lapse images showing notochord development of WT and dstyk mutant in Tg(col2a1a:EGFP) transgenic background (left) and bright-field (right) at 26 hpf and 36 hpf. f Live confocal images of WT and dstyk mutant in Tg(col2a1a:EGFP) transgenic background at 3 dpf. White arrow indicates ectopic Col2a1a positive cells in the notochord in the mutants. g Hematoxylin and eosin staining of longitudinal sections of the notochord in WT and dstyk mutant at 48 hpf. h Confocal images showing the notochord of WT and dstyk mutants in Tg(cyb5r2:GFP) transgenic background at 7 dpf. All notochord cells were labeled by EGFP. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Scale bar represent 20 μm in (b, e, f and g), 100 μm in (a and h). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.