Smt mutants encode alleles of dstyk.a Genetic map of the candidate region on chromosome 22 (LG 22). Number of recombinants are depicted in red, and SSLP markers used for mapping are in black. b Sequencing of cDNA revealed that smt mutants had a 24 bp deletion at the end of exon 5 in dstyk coding sequence. c Genomic DNA sequencing revealed smt mutants had a dstyk G → A transversion in the first base of intron 5. Heterozygous smt is presented as hets. An alternative splice site is show in exon 5. d The mutation region of dstyk is evolutionally conserved across different species. Dotted box represents mutated amino acid. e PCR amplified the splicing mutation region (764 bp) of dstyk coding sequence showed more than three splicing types both in mutant pool and mutant individual. Arrows on the left indicate three different splicing types from agarose gel electrophoresis. f Diagramed DSTYK proteins structures of WT and three different predicted mutant proteins. WT DSTYK is comprised of two non-catalytic regions (NCR) and a eukaryotic protein kinase catalytic domain (ePK). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.