Fig. 4

Park et al., 2019 - Lysosome-Rich Enterocytes Mediate Protein Absorption in the Vertebrate Gut
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Fig. 4

Dab2 Mediates Fluid-Phase and Receptor-Dependent Endocytosis in LREs

(A) Experimental scheme to mosaically inhibit Dab2 function. A dominant-negative (DN), QUAS:DN-Dab2:p2A-EGFP, construct was injected into Tg(cldn15la:QF2pd1142) embryos to co-express DN-Dab2 and soluble eGFP to mark expressing cells in IECs and LREs. Larvae mosaically expressing DN-Dab2 were then gavaged with fDex or mCherry and imaged 5 h post-gavage.

(B and C) Live confocal images of fDex or mCherry uptake in 6 dpf Tg(cldn15la:QF2 pd1142) LREs mosaically expressing DN-Dab2. LREs expressing DN-Dab2 (marked with dotted line) showed reduced fDex (n = 6) (B) and mCherry (n = 3) (C) uptake relative to WT neighboring LREs. Scale bar, 20 μm.

(D) Live confocal images of 6 dpf dab2pd1162 +/+, +/−, −⁄− LREs imaged 5 h after gavage with LY and mCherry. Scale bar, 50 μm.

(E) Internalization profiles of LY (left) and mCherry (right) from 6 dpf dab2 pd1162 +/+ (n = 5), +/− (n = 8), −⁄− (n = 6) larvae. dab2 mutants showed impaired internalization of both protein (mCherry) and fluid-phase (LY) cargos (arrows). Data are means ± S.E.M. Images in (C) are digitally stitched. See also Figures S5 and S6.

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 51(1), Park, J., Levic, D.S., Sumigray, K.D., Bagwell, J., Eroglu, O., Block, C.L., Eroglu, C., Barry, R., Lickwar, C.R., Rawls, J.F., Watts, S.A., Lechler, T., Bagnat, M., Lysosome-Rich Enterocytes Mediate Protein Absorption in the Vertebrate Gut, 7-20.e6, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell