The tubgcp3 mutant embryos exhibit decreased expression of proliferation and differentiation markers in CMZ cells. (A–D) ISH analyses show that the expression of vsx2 is normal in the central retina but significantly reduced in the CMZ in tubgcp3mutant retinae at 3 dpf and 5 dpf. (E–H) ISH analyses exhibit that ccnd1 is highly expressed in wild-type sibling CMZ (M,O) but clearly reduced in tubgcp3 mutant CMZ (N,P) at 3 dpf and 5 dpf. (I–P) atoh7 and cdkn1c (associated with retinal cell differentiation) are expressed in the central CMZ of wild-type sibling retina but significantly reduced in tubgcp3 mutant CMZ at 3 dpf and almost disappeared at 5 dpf. (Q–T) Immunostaining analyses displaying normal ZPR-1 staining (green/red double cone photoreceptors marker) in the central area of the tubgcp3 mutant retina. Arrows indicate the CMZ of the retina. Scale bars: 100 μm (A–T).