Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-190702-18
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- Baeuml et al., 2019 - Adult islet1 Expression Outlines Ventralized Derivatives Along Zebrafish Neuraxis
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Schematic sagittal sections of a larval (A) and an adult (B) zebrafish brain. (A) summarizes sonic hedgehog-GFP expression at the larval stage (4–5 days) in floor plate of midbrain/hindbrain and forebrain basal/alar plate as described previously (Biechl et al., 2016). (A1–A6) Transverse sections illustrate shh-GFP expression at levels indicated. Note that at larval stages, the most anterior sonic hedgehog-GFP expression site is in the alar plate preoptic region and that there is no additional basal telencephalic expression. (B) shows adult islet1-GFP expression (color letters) versus structures negative for this gene expression (black letters) as established in the present study. See figure for color code of islet1-GFP structures either singly labeled or double-labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase or choline acetyltransferase in addition. Structures with islet1-GFP cells in a restricted subarea are shown using black and colored letters. Overall, islet1-GFP expressing structures are in the basal plate, except for the preoptic region, the thalamus and the subpallial telencephalon (see text for more information). (1) Note that the large posterior tubercular pear-shaped dopaminergic neurons (TPp-m) projecting to basal ganglia (Vd) are islet1-GFP negative. Note furthermore that islet1-GFP cells of the dorsal accessory optic nucleus appear to originate in TPp-p. (2) Note that also the visceromotor Edinger–Westphal nucleus is double-labeled. (3) Note that cholinergic cells ventrolateral to the also cholinergic caudal perilemniscal nucleus (PLc) express islet1-GFP. ac, anterior commissure; ansc, ansular commissure; AP, alar plate in (A) and area postrema in (B); ATN, anterior tuberal nucleus; BP, basal plate; CC, crista cerebellaris; CCe, corpus cerebelli; CeP, cerebellar plate; DIL, diffuse nucleus of inferior lobe; DON, descending octaval nucleus; DS, saccus dorsalis; DT, dorsal thalamus; e, octavolateralis efferent neurons; EmT, eminentia thalami; FLo, facial (sensory) lobe; FP, floor plate; Ha, habenula; Hc/Hd/Hv, caudal/dorsal/ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus; Hi/Hr (larval), intermediate/rostral hypothalamus; IN, intermediate hypothalamic nucleus; LC, locus coeruleus; LH, lateral hypothalamic nucleus; N, area of nucleus of medial longitudinal fascicle; NC, notochord in A6, commissural nucleus of Cajal in (B); NI, nucleus isthmi; NIn, nucleus interpeduncularis; NLV, nucleus lateralis valvulae; OB, olfactory bulb; oc, optic chiasma; P, pallium; pc, posterior commissure; Pit, pituitary; PLc/PLr, caudal/rostral perilemniscal nucleus; PM, magnocellular preoptic nucleus; Po, preoptic region; poc, postoptic commissure; PPa/PPp, anterior/posterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus; Pr, pretectum; PTd/PTv, dorsal/ventral posterior tuberculum; PTM, posterior tectal membrane; PTN, posterior tuberal nucleus; PVO, paraventricular organ; R1–R7, rhombomeres 1–7; RCT, rostral cerebellar thickening; SC, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SCm, spinal cord motor cells; Sd/Sv (larval), dorsal/ventral subpallium; SGN, secondary gustatory nucleus; SO, spino-occipital region; SR, superior raphe; SRF, superior reticular formation; SRN, superior reticular nucleus; T, midbrain tegmentum; TeO, optic tectum; TLa, torus lateralis; TLo, torus longitudinalis; TPp-p, parvocellular cell part of periventricular posterior tubercular nucleus; Va, valvula cerebelli; VaLo, vagal (sensory) lobe; Vc/Vd/Vp/Vs/Vv, central/dorsal/posterior/supracommissural/ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalon; VG, vagal group of catecholamine neurons; VH, spinal ventral horn motor cells; VT, ventral thalamus; ZLI, zona limitans intrathalamica; IIIm, oculomotor nerve nucleus; IVm, trochlear motor nerve nucleus; IXm, glossopharyngeal motor nerve nucleus; Vmd, dorsal trigeminal motor nerve nucleus; Vmv, ventral trigeminal motor nerve nucleus; VImc/VImr, caudal/rostral abducens motor nerve nucleus; VIImc/NVIImr, caudal/rostral facial motor nerve nucleus; IX/NXm, glossopharyngeal/vagal motor nerve nucleus. |