Fig. S13
alk3a/b is required for Ephb4-2 expression and is expressed in the early zebrafish axial vein a-b. Directly relating to Fig. 8b. Dose-response analysis of Ephb4-2:GFP expression and morphology using different concentrations of alk3a and alk3b morpholinos. Representative embryos are shown in a and expression patterns summarized in b. 3.5ng alk3aMO/0.9ng alk3bMO embryos n=54 at 36hpf, 51 at 48hpf; 14ng alk3aMO/2.7ng alk3bMO embryos n=32 at 36hpf, n=55 at 48hpf. c. Whole-mount in situ hybridization for alk3a and alk3b expression compared to pan-endothelial kdrl in wild type zebrafish embryos at 10, 15 and 18 somite stage (ss). d. Whole-mount in situ hybridization for ephb4a expression in wild type zebrafish embryos at 15 and 18 and 20 somite stage (ss). |