Fig. S7
SB MO causes an increase in p53 transcript, but loss of p53 does not rescue hematopoietic phenotype. The potential of toxicity caused by the SB MO was analyzed by qPCR for p53 in morphant and uninjected pooled embryos at 26 hpf (A). Via this analysis, we saw that indeed p53 transcript was increased as compared to uninjected siblings. We also show snai2 transcript levels, as they are consistently increased in SB MO injected embryos. SB MO was then injected into embryos derived from a p53+/- in-cross, and the embryos analyzed for the hematopoietic markers rag1 and cmyb. The loss of p53 did not appear to rescue the morphant phenotype of decreased levels of both genes. Black arrowheads indicate the general position of the thymus. |