Fig. 7
Autonomous reception of Hedgehog signals is required for habenular neurogenesis. Confocal sections through the epithalamus of wild type host embryos containing transplanted cells from wild type (A) or smohi229 donors (B). Donors carried the Tg(huC:GFP), which appears in white, and transplanted cells appear in red; red cells that are not white in B are epiphysial photoreceptors (white arrow). Host embryos were immunolabelled with an anti-HuC/D antibody (in blue) that highlights the habenular neurons (Hb) and projection neurons in the epiphysis (ep). Embryos are viewed dorsally with anterior up. A histogram indicates the number of embryos incorporating cells from wild type or smohi229 mutant donors into either the habenulae or epiphysis (C). Unlike cells transplanted from wild type donors (white arrowheads in A), those from homozygous smohi229 mutants are systematically excluded from becoming habenular neurons; transplanted cells from either donor can become epiphysial projection neurons. |