Fig. S3
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-170517-28
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- Kaslin et al., 2017 - Distinct roles of neuroepithelial-like and radial glia-like progenitor cells in cerebellar regeneration
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A. In situ hybridization and analysis of the expression of the Cre transgene in the Tg(ptf1a:cherryT2aCreERT2)1 fish line. Cre is expressed in the ventricular zone of the embryonic hindbrain and cerebellar primordium. B. Expression of cherry in the embryonic hindbrain and cerebellum in the Tg(ptf1a:cherryT2aCreERT2)1 fish. C. Expression of Cre in cross section of the cerebellum of a one month old zebrafish. D. Heatshocking of Tg(ptf1a:cherryT2aCreERT2)1; Tg(hsp70l:DsRed2(floxed)EGFP) juvenile zebrafish fish does not result in unconditional recombination (n=12). E. Heatshocked tamoxifen treated juvenile fish shows recombined cells (green) in the cerebellum. |