Fig. S4
Behaviors of Resident Cells Recruited to Blastema after a Re- Amputation, Related to Figure 4 (A–D) Cells aligned at a similar PD position are differentially recruited to form the blastema. Two cells are recruited above the amputation plane, where they proliferate and contribute, and three cells shift laterally and cluster together, remaining below the amputation plane, shown at 0.25 (A), 1 (B), 2 (C), and 3 dpra (D). (E–H) One resident cell is recruited to the blastema, where it contributes to its middle portion at 3 dpra. A nearby clonal partner remains below the amputation plane, dividing and expanding moderately. Shown at 0.25 (E), 1 (F), 2 (G), and 3 dpra (H). (I–L) A large cluster of resident connective tissue cells responds to an amputation injury. Some cells near the amputation plane are recruited to form the blastema, while other cells further from the amputation plane shift their positions and/or morphologies. Even if resident cells are not recruited to form the blastema, they can still respond in some way to injury. Shown at 0.25 (I), 1 (J), 2 (K), and 3 dpra (L). (M–P) A whole cluster of cells at varying distances from the amputation plane is recruited toward the amputation plane in a proximal-to-distal sequence. No labeled cell remains below the amputation plane, and recruited fibroblasts generate various regions of the blastema by 3 dpra. Shown at 0.25 (M), 1 (N), 2 (O), and 3 dpra (P). (Q–S) Prospective analyses of labeled resident cell recruitment following amputation injury, shown as cumulative 2-D projections of cells from 68 clones onto a rescaled virtual stump and blastema at 0.25, 1, 2, or 3 dpa, as indicated. For prospective analyses, cells were binned by their relative positions at 0.25 dpra, color-coded from furthest to closest to amputation plane as cyan, purple, or magenta. Cells were either not recruited to form the blastema (Q), partially recruited (R), or fully recruited (S). Generally, cells closer to the amputation plane had a higher probability of being recruited, although distance from amputation plane does not determine extent of contribution or progeny’s PD positions at 3 dpra. |