Thoracotomy triggers the remodelling of the heart architecture. (a,b) Uninjured and 30 dpt heart sections of transgenic zebrafish cmlc2:DsRed2-nuc (red) after one month of BrdU treatment (green). (c,d) Representative sections of hearts labelled with Phalloidin (red), a muscle marker, at 30 dpt. (e) Representative section of an uninjured heart labelled with haematoxylin/eosin (h,e) staining. Compact myocardium (Comp. MC) is composed of a dense layer of CMs, surrounding the trabecular myocardium (Trab. MC) with a spongy lumen. (a-e) Dashed lines separate compact and trabecular myocardium. (f,g) Percentage of BrdU-positive CMs in whole myocardium (f) or in the two distinct myocardium compartments (g). (h-j) Morphometric measurements of hearts at 30 dpt. No difference in heart size was noticed (h), but a thickening of the compact myocardium was observed (i). (j) The density of CMs (number of CMs per 10 000 µm2 of cardiac muscle) is higher at 30 dpt in comparison to uninjured control (n e 4 hearts; e2 sections per heart; *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001).