Fig. 5
Dnmt3bb.1is sufficient for cmyb gene expression in the endothelium. (a) Schematic diagram of the I-Sce1(kdrl:dnmt3bb.1-gfp) transgene used for the pan-endothelial expression of a dnmt3bb.1-gfp fusion protein. (b) Camera lucida drawing of a 24 hpf zebrafish embryo with red, blue and green boxes noting the approximate regions of the head, trunk and trunk/tail shown in in situ hybridization images in panels c-h. (c,e) Double whole-mount in situ hybridization of the head (e) and trunk (c) of 36 hpf I-Sce1(kdrl:dnmt3bb.1-gfp) transgene-injected zebrafish probed for gfp (blue) and cmyb (red). (d,f) fluorescence images of in situ hybridization corresponding to panels c and e, respectively. In panels c-e, endothelial cells expressing both the gfp transgene and cmyb are noted with arrows, while normal trunk HSC expressing only cmyb but not gfp are noted with arrowheads. (g,h) Double whole-mount in situ hybridization of the trunk/tail of a 36 hpf runx1 mutant (g) and a 36 hpf runx1 mutant injected with I-Sce1(kdrl:dnmt3bb.1-gfp) transgene (h), probed for cmyb (blue) and gfp (red). The cmyb gene is not expressed in runx1 mutants, but injection of dnmt3bb.1-egfp fusion protein into runx1 mutants results in the appearance of cmyb/gfp double-positive cells. Scale bars 25 µm in e,f and 100 µm in h. |