bbs5 morphants display cardiac anomalies including situs inversus. Wildtype (WT) and morphant cmlc2:GFP embryos were imaged at 48 hpf. (A) WT heart showing normal looping (D-looping) with the atrium (a) on the left hand side of the embryo and the ventricle (v) on the right. (B) Morphant heart with preserved D-looping. (C) Morphant heart with looping in the opposite direction (L-looping) resulting in the atrium on the right of the embryo and the ventricle on the left. (D) Morphant heart, which shows a failure of looping, resulting in a heart with neither the atrium nor ventricle leaving the midline. (E) 98% of WT embryos displayed D-looping whilst just 61% of morphant embryos exhibited D-looping, 12% exhibited L-looping, and 27% of morphant hearts were unlooped (P < 0.001).