NTFΔGPS mRNA rescues the trabeculation phenotype in Gpr126-depleted zebrafish. (A) Lateral view of control-, MO2-, or MO2+NTFΔGPS mRNA-injected embryos at 75 hpf. MO2 injection resulted in pericardial edema (arrow). (B) Confocal sections of the hearts from control-, MO2-, and MO2+NTFΔGPS mRNA-injected Tg(myl7:EGFP-HsHRAS)s883 embryos at 80 hpf. In Gpr126-depleted animals, trabeculation (yellow arrowheads) is perturbed. Note that this phenotype is rescued by NTFΔGPS mRNA injection. (C) Quantitative analysis of rescue experiments of coinjections of MO2 and mRNAs encoding NTFΔGPS or NTF subfragments. Mean ± SEM. (D) Whole-mount in situ hybridization demonstrating krox20/egr2 and mbp expression in the otic vesicle (yellow arrow) and PLLn Schwann cells (black arrow) and krox20/egr2 expression in the hindbrain (arrowhead) at 75 hpf. In contrast, expression of krox20/egr2 and mbp is down-regulated in PLLn of MO2-mediated full-length Gpr126-depleted embryos. Coinjection of NTFΔGPS mRNA failed to rescue the PLLn myelineation phenotype in the cardiac phenotype-rescued animals. **P < 0.01.