Zic2a regulates patterning of anterior chondrogenic condensations. 2 dpf zic2a morphants (A–F) and overexpressors (G,H) stained by ISH for col2a1a or sox9a. (A,B) Sox9a expression is reduced in the posterior PAs of Zic2a-depleted embryos (18/20, 1 exp.). (C,D) Zic2a morphants have shortened trabeculae (18/20, 1 exp.) and lack the medial ethmoid plate (12/20, 1 exp., arrow in 3C). (E,F) Expression of col2a1a reiterates the shortened trabeculae and lack of ethmoid plate in Zic2a-depleted embryos (43/43, 2 exp). (G,H) Col2a1a expression in wild-type siblings shows the bilateral trabeculae and ethmoid plate (67/107, 2 exp.). (H) The ethmoid plate is ablated and trabeculae are shortened by Zic2aYFP misexpression induced at 10 hpf (38/67, 2 exp). (A,B) are lateral views. (C–H) are ventral views, anterior to the left.