Fig. S6
Vegfc positively regulates EC proliferation in the CCVs. Confocal projections of 32 hpf Tg(kdrl:EGFP)s843 wild-type siblings (A), homozygous vegfchu6410 mutant embryos (B) or embryos injected with H2B-cherry mRNA (control, C), vegfc mRNA (D) or sFLT4 mRNA (E), all pulsed with BrdU from 24-32 hpf. BrdU staining is shown in red; vascular ECs are visualized in green by staining for GFP expression [of Tg(fli1al:EGFP)y1 in A,B and of Tg(kdrl:EGFP)s843 in C-E]. EC proliferation is decreased in vegfchu6410 (B) or sFLT4 mRNA-injected (E) embryos and increased upon vegfc overexpression (D). Arrowheads mark BrdU-positive ECs in the CCV. |