Cdh5 is required for delamination and lumen extension in the CCV. (A-D,F,G) Confocal projections of the CCV at 32 hpf (A-D) and 36 hpf (F,G) of Tg(kdrl:EGFP)s843 (C,D,F,G) or Tg(fli1a:EGFP)y1 (A,B) embryos. (A-D′) ECs of cdh5ubs8 mutant embryos (B,B′) fail to delaminate and do not align around the lumen. Lack of blood flow (tnnt2a MO, D,D2) does not influence lumen formation. (A2-D2) Transverse sections of A-D, showing the lumen (asterisk) imaged at the level of the dashed line in A-D. (E) Quantification of the length of the CCV. (F-H) Directionality of collective migration is impaired in cdh5ubs8 mutant embryos (G, white lines), whereas migration track length or speed was unaffected (H). Single ECs (red dots) were tracked for 4 hours. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001; n.s., not significant; error bars indicate s.e.m.