Fig. 4
Sfrp5 inhibits the Tll1 protease. Embryos were injected with combinations of 50 pg chd, 200 pg tll1, 150 pg sfrp2, and 125 pg sfrp5. At the 4 somite stage, embryos were classified as ventralized (A), normal (B), mildly dorsalized (corresponding to C1– C3; C) or strongly dorsalized (C4– C5; D) [59] and the results plotted (E). The numbers under each bar represent the number of embryos analyzed per treatment. F) Conditioned media from singly transfected 293T cells were combined as indicated, incubated, and analyzed by Western blotting. Volume of conditioned media from tll1 and chd transfected cells was kept constant when used, but volume of conditioned media from sfrp2 or sfrp5 transfected cells was doubled or tripled as indicated. |