Fig. S7
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- ZDB-FIG-130429-23
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- Wolf et al., 2013 - Specification of posterior hypothalamic neurons requires coordinated activities of Fezf2, Otp, Sim1a and Foxb1.2
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wnt8b and fgf8 expression mostly does not overlap with emx2 expression. Two-color FISH of 1-dpf wild-type embryos to detect the relative expression domains of wnt8b, fgf8, fezf2 and emx2. (A-A′′) wnt8b and fezf2 are expressed in adjacent domains in the posterior-dorsal hypothalamus. (B-B′′) emx2 and wnt8b expression mostly do not overlap with each other. (C-D′′) Whereas fezf2 and fgf8 are mainly co-expressed in the posterior-ventral hypothalamus (C-C′′), fgf8 and emx2 are mainly not co-expressed (D-D′′). Lateral views of 10 μm maximum projections of confocal z-stacks are shown. Tel, telencephalon; Hyp, hypothalamus. Scale bar: 60 μm. |