Chd7 knockdown leads to somite boundary and segmental vasculature defects. Efnb2a expression in control morphant (A) and chd7 morphant (B) zebrafish embryos at the 13-somite stage of development. Top is anterior. Insets in (A) and (B) represent coronal sections through control or chd7 morphant embryos, respectively, at the 13 somite stage. Posterior views with dorsal towards the top. Expression of ttna, a segment boundary marker reiterates the defects in segment boundary formation in chd7 morphants (E) compared to controls (D). Dorsal views with anterior to the top. Segmental vasculature patterning is defective (arrowheads) in chd7 morphants (H) compared to control morphants (G) as visualized using fli1: GFP transgenic zebrafish at 48 hpf. Sagittal views with anterior to the right. Graphs show percentages of animals exhibiting efnb2a expression defects (C), ttna defects (F), or segmental vasculature patterning defects (I). The dark gray bar represents chd7 morphants and the light gray bar represents control morphants. Scale bar: 200 μm. ***<0.001, **<0.01.