id2b expression and Id2a morpholino (MO) controls. Zebrafish possess two id2 paralogs, id2a and id2b. (A,B) id2b mRNA is not detected in the retina at 24 hpf (A), whereas at 48 hpf small clusters of cells are positive for id2b (B, arrows). (C,D) Id2 is expressed throughout the neuroepithelial retina and lens at 24 hpf (C) and becomes restricted to the dorsal CMZ by 48 hpf (D). (E,F) Id2 protein is not detected at 24 hpf (E) or at 48 hpf (F) in Id2a morphant retinas. (G) Western blot confirmation of Id2 antibody specificity and MO knockdown. Id2 antibody recognizes a specific band at 15 kDa from 48 hpf larval lysates. MO-mediated knockdown of Id2a leads to reductions in the specific -15 kDa band, whereas MO knockdown of Id2b does not.