Effects of zili knockdown and overexpression in zebrafish embryos. Lateral (A–D) and ventral (E–H) views of live embryos at 24 hpf are shown. A, embryos injected with 5 ng of zili-cMO as control did not show abnormal morphology. B, injection with 5 ng of zili-MO1 led to loss of the ventral tail fin and a shorter tail. The arrowheads in A and B show the tail fins and tails. C, injection with zili mRNA resulted in partial or complete fusion of the eyes (asterisk) and partial loss of the notochord and tail reduction. D, the phenotype injected with zili-N50 mRNA is similar to complete zili mRNA. E–H, fusion of eyes caused by zili overexpression (E) and zili-N50 mRNA (F) resembled the phenotype of lefty1 mRNA injection (G) or 30 pg of GFP mRNA injection as control (H). I–P, expression patterns of marker genes in embryos injected with 5 ng of zili-MO1 (I and M), 5 ng of zili-cMO (J and N), 30 pg of zili mRNA (K and O), or 50 pg of zili-N50 mRNA (L and P). The embryos at 24 hpf for shh and snail1 are shown in lateral views with the anterior oriented toward the left. The arrowheads in I–L show the floor plates and tail buds, and those in M–P show the caudal somites and tail buds.