prox1 loss of function of does not affect PLL primordium cell number or PLL nerve development. (A, B) GFP labeled primordia migrating at 32 hpf in cldnb::GFP transgenic fish. The size of the primordium is not affected in morphant embryos in comparison to control embryos at the same developmental stage. (C, D, C′, D′) Acetylated tubulin immunostaining indicates that the lateral line nerve is not perturbed in morphant embryos (white arrows) while differentiated hair cell with their kinocilia (brown arrows C, D and in fluorescence at higher magnification C′, D′), are absent in morphant fish in comparison to control embryos. (E, F) prox1 MO injected embryos do not show increased cell death as indicated by the TUNEL assay, in comparison to control embryos. n, notochord; y, yolk. Scale bar = 15 micron in A, B, C, D, E, F and 3 micron in C′, D′.