Transcription factors that are upregulated and downregulated in Vsx2 morphants. RT-PCR of control (Ctrl) and Vsx2 morphant embryos showing changes in gene expression. mRNAs for Vsx2, Ath5, Mitf, and Foxn4 are all upregulated in Vsx2 morphants, suggesting that these transcription factors are normally repressed by Vsx2. On the other hand, Crx, Bhlh4 and Rx3 are downregulated in Vsx2 morphants, suggesting that these genes are indirectly positively controlled by Vsx2. Vsx1 levels seem to be unchanged in Vsx2 morphants. Vsx2e1-e2 (the PCR product of primers that amplify the Vsx2 region from exon 1 to exon 2) is also upregulated when Vsx2 is knocked down with the translational morpholino (mo), whilst efficiency of the splicing morpholinos (smo) can be seen by the increased PCR product size due to splicing being prevented by the morpholino. The housekeeping gene encoding EF1α (Elongation factor 1α) was used as a loading control.