Staining with acridine orange and anti-phosphohistone H3 Ab at 9 s. (A–C) Fluorescent images of control and morphant embryos stained with acridine orange. Dorsal (D, E, F) and ventral (D′, E′, F′) focal planes of flat mounted embryos after immunohistochemistry with anti-phosphohistone H3 Ab. Posterior 6–7 somites are shown. Equal numbers (n = 10) of control embryos and morphants were stained. Arrowheads in D′, E′, F′ indicate phosphohistone H3-positive cells not clearly seen in D, E, F. Dashed lines mark the borders of somites containing these cells. Stained cells were counted in all 9 somites of 3 embryos for each condition (control, UM and SM morphants) and results were summarized in Table 1. No change in phoshohistone-positive cells in notochord was found. Scale bars, 100 μm.